Appeared on the POC Diagnostics session in TechEmerge Health East Africa Innovation Summit
October 28, 2020
OUI Inc. CEO Dr. Eisuke Shimizu was presented as a panelist of the point of care (POC) diagnostics session in TechEmerge Health East Africa Innovation Summit (funded by IFC).
This session was to have a discussion with other POC diagnostics companies.
Dr. Charit Bhograj, CEO of Tricog, India
Mr. José Luis Nuño, CEO of Unima, Mexico.
Dr. Joachim Delventhal, CRO of iSTOC, Finland.
Mr. Mihir Shah, CEO of UE LifeSciences, USA.
Many companies who are presenting POC diagnostic tools worldwide.
Video of our Smart Eye Camera
Panel discussion
We discussed about
- Significance of the devices in increasing access to eye diagnostics in particular in low resource and remote settings.
- Onboarding process for you solution. e.g. the solution require training or not?
- Quality assurance of the diagnostic results.
- Any maintenance needs or problems for your solutions in an African context
As a only Japanese who participate for all of the session, strongly felt that our solution Smart Eye Camera should expand worldwide as a new and innovative POC diagnostic tool from Japan.