Research Paper about SEC from Indonesia
A paper on OUI Inc.’s Smart Eye Camera (SEC) has been released from Indonesia!
The team at Faculty of Medicine of Udayana University has been working on the research, which made this publish possible!
The details of the paper is as the following:
Interobserver Reliability of Tear Break-Up Time Examination Using “Smart Eye Camera” in Indonesian Remote Area. Clinical Ophthalmology 2023:17 2097–2107. Ariesanti Tri Handayani, Clara Valentina, I Gusti Ayu Ratna Suryaningrum, Putu Dian Megasafitri, I Gusti Ayu Made Juliari, Ida Ayu Ary Pramita, Shintaro Nakayama, Eisuke Shimizu, Anak Agung Mas Putrawati Triningrat
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